Port Mall
EC&TRADE Consulting

Don't you want to expand your mall?

Motivation and Goods

All you need to prepare are motivation and goods, only. We will provide you rest of things for opening EC site. 



To Handle worldwide payments

Our company’s system can handle variety of payment system. Therefore, you can deal with a wide range of customers.

Where can access internet is your market.

The global EC market was about 3 trillion yen in 2018, and the market size is the most important market, which is rapidly increasing year by year.

Even start-up's are welcome

We also offer renewal and consulting service to one who are willing to start EC business and who already have there EC mall already.

SUPPORTING EC-website's management

Possible to negotiations with EC operators

Our service can be configured in cooperation with domestic and foreign EC operators. It is also possible to sell products on existing EC sites without owning a store. If you have any EC sites that you are interested in, we can also negotiate with them.


A strong multinational team

We will develop the best target countries and efficient line-up stores by marketing “want” in the world in real time and analyzing top-selling products and items with few competitors.


We will support “zero loss” marketing with the slogan.


The advantage of the EC business is not only the high demand, but also its convenience. It is possible to generate more profit than the main job while continuing the main work. The trick to making an EC business successful is to sell things that are likely to sell in areas that are likely to sell without thinking hard.


E-commerce industry in Japan is on Fire!

For those who wants to join the market in Japan

Standardization of E-commerce is already settled in Japan. However, from now on CBT is important in this market. 

Anyone can open the market and sell domestic goods in domestic market, but there is a fixed market in domestic market as well. 

That product might be common in your country, on the other hand, in some other country, it can consider as brand new item. It is possible to sell innocent goods at innocent price. 

Please contact us, if you have an interest on CBT. 


Visiting an overseas trade fair is also an effective way to discover products from overseas markets. We will accompany you and assist in product discovery. In addition, we will accompany you when you visit a local manufacturer, and support you to have an advantageous business negotiation with your customers. It is very important to visit the local factory and see the production capacity of the partner factory when doing business with overseas manufacturers. Guidance to improve the production capacity and quality of your customers is also a part of our support.

Based on a local company survey, which is an initial action such as finding a manufacturer that handles the desired product and developing an overseas market, various negotiation work after confirming the business partner, business negotiation support (guidance, interpretation, document material preparation, risk management advice) Etc.).

We will introduce the solution that suits your needs. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises start overseas transactions from places where huge costs cannot be incurred, so it would be a good rule to keep costs to the minimum necessary. Why don’t you make use of makeup as your overseas business department, which cuts off excess parts and supplements the necessary power?

We will create and provide services that match your business, so you can start overseas transactions without difficulty. In addition, we will propose a more efficient trading environment to companies that already have overseas transactions by reviewing the transaction details.

Mainly in English, Korean, and Chinese, we translate correspondence, contracts, technical manuals, and interpret business negotiations.

We will write various contracts such as sales contracts with foreign business partners, import agency contracts, etc. in Japanese, English and Korean.

Stocking & trade consulting from overseas to Japan

We will support who wants to purchase any goods or materials for their business from abroad. If you have no idea where to get what you want, we are welcoming you. Form matching with company to contract, payment method, and etc. We will supporting everything for you. 

You can start with us right now. 

We will suggest you the best plan for you.

Our clients